Saturday, December 17, 2011

A nose is a nose, as everybody knows. Also, Yellow and Gray.

There is a snazzy new paper collection in the shop! It may be the most popular color combination right now. I sell more yellow and gray stuff out of my shop than any other color. So it only made sense for me to put in a yellow and gray scrapbook collection. It's only $6 and that's for 24 papers. A lot of other sellers only give you 12 papers for that price, but I am more awesome than the average seller. Also my mind is full of endless ideas for patterns. When I made this collection, I literally could have put about 50 more patterns in there without even breaking a sweat. But that would just be showing off, so I keep it to 24. Anyway, you can grab it right here.

Now I am off to enjoy my Saturday, hopefully not giving in to my compulsive need to always be making something in Illustrator. My husband says that I need to cure myself of my workaholic ways and relax once in a while, plus I am pretty sure my 2-year-old broke my nose yesterday, so I will need some time to nurse myself back to health. The possible break happened when I was trying to give my son a very poorly received hug. It turns out that his skull is harder than diamonds. I was worried at first that the bridge of my nose had been knocked into my parietal lobe. Then I feared that my nose would go crooked and I'd be disfigured for life, but that appears not to be the case. My history of low tolerance for pain is very well documented, so it could be that I have just some slight bruising of the cartilage (why is the word "cartilage" so hard to spell? Spell checker corrected me about 20 times before I finally had to Google it. Obviously I can't spell cartilage correctly without help but I am proud of myself for being creative enough to come up with that many different spellings). Or something.

Anyway. I'm sure in time I will be whole again. In the meantime I'm going to make a much-needed herbal tea and take the maximum allowed dosage of Tylenol while my nose heals.

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