Monday, December 19, 2011

This week I'm going to slack off posting both in the blog and in Perfect Printables. The reason for this is that I need a semi-vacation. Occasionally I might give in to my compulsion and put a new scrapbook pack in the shop but I'm hoping that the other 1, 394, 532 things I have to do will keep me distracted from the fact that my hand and fingers are not permanently fused to my mouse and the CRTL+F key.

Last night was a particularly hard night in our house. My son traded one virus for another this week and so I've been up at all hours with him, wiping up his various bodily fluids and feeding him diluted fruit juice. Last night, thankfully, there was no vomit, a welcome relief from the past month or so, but there was a whole lot of diarrhea, which is also no fun. Giving a tired, screaming 2-year-old a bath at 4:30 am to wash off his dry, crusty bottom is not an experience that I would like to repeat, although I'm sure I probably will. The only person I pity more than myself right now, is my little guy. As a mom I would basically do anything to see him feeling better.

On an unrelated note: I've heard that my last post about driving has offended basically everyone I know, to the point where I've been victim of bricks thrown through my window and flaming bags of something unidentifiable left on my doorstep... so some people might be worried whether I'm coming back to write more insulting things on the blog. Don't worry. I am. You can't get me down!

MERRY CHRISTMAS! I hope everyone takes a break from what can sometimes be a crazy-making holiday, to enjoy it and to take a minute out of our busy schedules to give thanks for the one who makes this holiday possible in the first place.

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